8 Powers You Didn't Know Michael Myers Had

3. He Has Wolverine's Healing Ability

Outside of the horror genre, there€™s only one human character who never ages, never slows down and can survive being shot, stab, burned, electrocuted, run over and thrown down a mine shaft. That man is Logan, aka Wolverine. Myers and Wolverine are cut from the same cloth: both have dark, disturbing pasts, both like sharp objects and they€™ve both been played by Brad Loree, who did stunts on Halloween: Resurrection and X2. Unlike Wolverine, Myers€™ invulnerability is attributed to the notion that €œyou can€™t kill the Bogeyman€ €“ a cop out if ever there was one. Far more credible is the idea that the CIA took inspiration from William Stryker and gave Myers an adamantium skeleton coupled with animal-keen senses. This is not outside the bounds of credibility €“ adamantium was introduced in July 1969, when pre-pubescent Michael was locked away in Smith€™s Grove sanitarium.
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Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'