8 R-Rated Comic Book Movies That Definitely Shouldn't Follow Deadpool

Hey Hollywood, make these movies PG-13 or, better yet, don't make them at all.

Now that Deadpool has had one of the biggest openings ever for a superhero movie (in February, no less!), there's inevitably a lot of talk about which R-Rated comic book movies should attempt to follow in the Merc with the Mouth's footsteps. Never mind that what made Deadpool work was the passion poured into it; many believe an R-Rating alone is enough to bring success to pretty much any franchise! While there are certainly a fair few movies which would benefit from being aimed at an older audience, there are even more which would end up being a disaster if they're anything other than PG-13. In fact, some of the movies listed here being given an R-Rating could really hurt the genre as a whole, and there are any number of reasons why going down this route with them would be a mistake. Some are sequels and others are properties which all stand a chance of hitting the big screen at some point in the next few years, but regardless of their current status, there's good reason to believe that they'll all have an R-Rating if and when they do. As great as it will be to see more R-Rated comic book movies follow Deadpool, these are the ones which should either stick to a family friendly audience or just not get made at all.
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