8 Reasons Batman V Superman Will Top Captain America: Civil War

7. It's Inspired By A Classic And Beloved Comic Book

Captain America Batman
DC Comics

As great as Civil War was in terms of redefining modern comic book event stories, it was also very divisive. Critics were generally quite kind, but there were an awful lot of fans who didn't like seeing Captain America and Iron Man going to war, not to mention some of the other controversial story decisions which were made. 

Civil War also isn't that well-known, at least not to the general public. However, Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns has received such widespread acclaim and media attention that even those who aren't regular comic book readers have heard of the graphic novel even if they haven't read it. 

Of course, that won't factor too heavily into the success of Batman V Superman (it isn't, after all, an adaptation), but the fact it's inspired by the book still earns it some major bonus points. 

Much of how it has inspired Zack Snyder is already obvious (the older Bruce Wayne, the armoured Batsuit, etc.), and the love that fans have for The Dark Knight Returns has ensured that even the most sceptical comic book fan is on board with these heroes coming to blows.

It helps, of course, that Snyder has already done such an amazing job with one of Miller's properties in the form of 2006's 300...


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