8 Reasons Batman V Superman Will Top Captain America: Civil War

6. It's Setting Up A New Cinematic Universe

Captain America Batman
DC Comics

While Captain America: Civil War is the beginning of Marvel's Phase 3 and no doubt the movie which will set the stage for everything that follows over the next few years, it's still essentially more of the same.

The fact that Avengers: Age Of Utron grossed slightly less than its predecessor shows that the novelty of seeing The Avengers assembled is beginning to wear off, and it will have only been a year since moviegoers saw exactly that when Civil War is released. 

Batman V Superman, on the other hand, marks the beginning of something very new and very significant. Man Of Steel didn't feature any real hints about a larger Cinematic Universe because Warner Bros. simply didn't have their sh*t together at that time, but its sequel will be packed full of world building (though hopefully not in a bad way like Iron Man 2). 

Throw in rumours of a cliffhanger ending which leads directly into 2017's Justice League, and short of Marvel blowing everyone's minds by killing off Captain America, it will be DC which fans are going to spend the rest of 2016 getting excited about what's next.


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.