8 Reasons Deadpool Lives Up To The Hype (And 6 It Doesn't)

And 6 Reasons It Doesn't...

6. It's Too Flashback-Heavy

Deadpool is a movie with a fairly frustrating structure: it begins with the freeway action sequence that's been shown off in trailers, then keeps constantly cutting back between flashbacks of Wade Wilson's life and the next piece of the freeway scene. This literally goes on for more than an hour of the movie before we finally get to see Wilson transformed into Deadpool and then caught up to the present day, and though it means we get to see more of Deadpool kicking a** drip-fed to us than if the origin story had just been fed to us chronologically, it's still annoyingly stilted. Basically, once the flashbacks and freeway scene are out of the way, there's only about 35 minutes of the movie left, so not much time to do much other than shift to the third act showdown, which is pretty much exactly what happens. It works well enough thanks to the movie's sheer bombast and triumph of personality, but it probably would have been better off by cutting down on the heavy flashbacks, which are not very concise at all.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.