8 Reasons Dr. Strange Is The Most Revolutionary Marvel Movie Ever

2. Doctor Strange Proved That Audiences Are Ready For Psychedelic Visuals

Doctor Strange Steve Ditko
Marvel Studios

Marvel has always been about delivering spell-binding eye candy. Never resting on its laurels, the studio attempted to up the visual ante with each phase of its films, continually topping itself in terms of cinematic panache and inventiveness.

With the release of this summer's Captain America: Civil War and its deliriously-fun airport sequence, it seemed like the MCU set a bar for visual FX so high the studio would have a hard time clearing. However, Doctor Strange not only matched the FX standard set by Civil War, it blew Cap and his friends right out of the water in a big way.

Audiences have never seen a superhero film as visually audacious as Doctor Strange. Instead of standard CGI brawls, Strange director Scott Derrickson crafted psychedelic, head-trip FX sequences that spanned galaxies and dimensions. While Strange might have drawn inspiration from Inception, its homages to Christopher Nolan's city-folding caper film were only a fraction of the ocular insanity Marvel offered up.

Not since 2001: A Space Odyssey have audiences been taken on such a mind-altering journey through space and time. Strange visual triumphs might inspire other directors to try and top it, which is fantastic news for fans of envelope-pushing cinema.


I'm YA writer who loves pulp and art house films. I admire films that try to do something interesting.