8 Reasons JJ Abrams Should Quit Star Wars Episode VII

5. He Can Finish The Star Trek Trilogy Instead

Star-Trek-Into-Darkness One of the first questions raised after the initial announcement that Abrams would be joining Star Wars was - what's going to happen to the Star Trek franchise? Given that Abrams has done such a bang-up job (on the whole) resurrecting, rebuilding and reinventing this world, it would be a shame if he didn't get to complete a trilogy before perhaps handing it off to another director for a new trilogy of films. Though Abrams most certainly won't be directing Star Trek 3 if he sticks with Episode VII - given that Trek 3 is shooting for a 2016 release to coincide with the 50th anniversary - both he and Spock himself, Zachary Quinto, have refused to rule the prospect out. When Abrams first jumped ship for Star Wars, the move was met with much ire by Trek fans, who saw him as "abandoning" them in a move of betrayal. While I think most would agree that the chance to direct the first installment in a new Star Wars franchise is far more tantalising than a sequel in a franchise one could do in their sleep, it would still allow Abrams to give his trilogy a consistent final chapter that ends the trilogy with a smooth landing.

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.