8 Reasons Why The Lego Movie Will Be Awesome

6. The Licenses

One thing that The Lego Movie clearly boast is its fine selection of different licenses, such as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, DC Heroes... and even the NBA. Throughout the movie, fans will be able to see Batman join Emmet on his journey, with appearances of characters from various properties. It's a wondrous thing, and it's all thanks to Lego's hard work in acquiring these licenses over the course of the past decade. Such a combination of different licenses hasn't been seen since Wreck-It Ralph! Even before Zack Snyder's Superman sequel arrives, fans will get to witness Batman, Wonder Woman and Superman all in the same film. Sure, they're all in their Lego forms, but The Lego Movie sports Wonder Woman's first cinematic appearance, which is still something special. Crossing over licenses like this is uncommon in cinema, and it hasn't been witnessed for some while now. When will viewers get the chance to see the Ninja Turtle Raphael in the same movie as the Green Lantern?! Lego are well aware of this, too: their recent advertising has taken a strong approach to showing off their collection of Lego DC characters, with huge character posters of Batman and Superman, respectively voiced by Will Arnett and Channing Tatum (yes, Will Arnett as Batman is worth the ticket price alone). Of course, we can't have it all. For some bizarre reason, Disney and Marvel declined to have their characters appear in the movie. Surely having Iron Man in a sequence doesn't harm their integrity in any way, shape or form? Perhaps they'll learn their lesson when they're questioned for any future sequels, though, because Mattel sure did when it came to utilising Barbie in the Toy Story movies. Furthermore, Chris Miller and Phil Lord have gone on to state that there may be a few surprises in store, too, and what with this being a Warner Bros. picture, there's a strong possibility of a Lego Harry Potter turning up.

Comic book store employee, writing about all the things I love: movies, comic books and wrasslin'. It's still real to me, damn it.