8 Reasons Marvel's Spider-Man Might Be A Total Let Down

8. He's Going To Be On #TeamIronMan

One of the most satisfying moments in the Civil War comic book came when Spider-Man decided to defect to Captain America's Anti-Registration team of heroes. Unfortunately, if rumours are to be believed, this version of Peter Parker is going to be firmly on the side of Iron Man. Of course, it's unlikely that Captain America: Civil War will portray the fan-favourite Armoured Avenger in a villainous light, but it's still a major disappointment that Spider-Man would choose to throw in with Tony Stark instead of Steve Rogers. While Peter and Tony have always got on well, Spider-Man's respect for Captain America has frequently overshadowed that, and it would have been much more interesting to see this movie explore that dynamic. Looking at rumours from the past year or so, and the ramifications of Spider-Man being on Iron Man's side are pretty huge. Not only will Tony be responsible for creating the hero's costume, but his web-shooters will also be an Iron Man creation. Don't get me wrong, as cool as it will be to see these two interacting on the big screen, both of those things take a lot away from the character, and given the way Spider-Man is perceived by the public (not to mention the decades he spent not getting on with The Avengers before becoming a member), it would have been a lot more fun to see the youngster go into his own solo outing as an outlaw of sorts rather than, well, Iron Man's bitch.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.