8 Reasons Upgrade Is The Year's Best Venom Movie

4. The Strong Character Development

Upgrade 2018
OTL Releasing

While everybody knows the basics about Eddie and Venom, the film does a pretty terrible job of developing either of them outside of the most basic beats.

Eddie never really feels convincingly like a world-class journalist, and most of his personal drama throughout the film - especially his relationship woes with Anne Weying (Michelle Williams) - resemble a box-ticking exercise more than anything.

Meanwhile in Upgrade, Grey is surprisingly well-drawn, with clear, pointed character traits laid out from the outset - namely his distrust of technology and fondness for analogue solutions - and the obvious turmoil that follows both his paralysis and the death of his wife.

It would've been easy for Whannell to simply make a fairly formulaic revenge action flick, but to his credit, the character drama feels as potent as the grisly violence, which absolutely isn't the case with Venom.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.