8 Reasons Why Christian Bale's Batman Is Better Than Ben Affleck's

5. He Didn't Kill (As Much)

Batman Kill.jpg
Warner Bros. Pictures

Batman has one rule: he doesn't kill. There's also no guns and no alcohol, but murder is the real no no. All onscreen versions of Batman have broken this, to varying degrees, but none has been so flagrant about it as Zack Snyder's. And not just in the Injustice-inspired Knightmare sequence either; throughout the film Batman willingly puts people directly in harm's way, leaving their survival up to an not-all-powerful God.

He frankly doesn't care. To be fair neither did Keaton's, but that came at a point where comic book lore was a niche subculture and you could get away with flubs like that. Batman V Superman arrives in a world where even obscure elements of the character are defined in the mainstream, so there's no excuse (no, that Mr Sunday Movies Supercut does not act as justification, Zack).

This was something Nolan was not only aware of, but hinged two of the movies in The Dark Knight Trilogy around; Batman Begins had all that talk about "doing what is necessary", while The Dark Knight saw him wrestling with his one rule. Yes, even ignoring not saving Ra's Al Ghul there were still multiple cases where he breaks it, especially in The Dark Knight Rises (he is directly responsible for the death of Talia and her truck driver), but the general onus of the character was, for the most part, on not killing.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.