8 Reasons Why Christian Bale's Batman Is Better Than Ben Affleck's

6. The Action Had Purpose

Batman Action.jpg
Warner Bros. Pictures

One element of The Dark Knight Trilogy that hasn't got quite as much praise as it deserves is the action; there are a few background flubs, but for the most part is exhilarating across the trilogy, with each fight imbued with a sense of character.

That's important, because even if you may not be a fan of the sequences as pure spectacle, there's always a purpose to a sequence in regard to the bigger plot.

In contrast, let's look at Batman V Superman. You have the Batman introduction (which does a really cool thing - Bats almost as an apparition - that it never comes back to), the overlong car chase, the big fight with Superman (which is one awesome minute that devolves into a disappointing fist fight), the Martha saving and the final Doomsday fight, where Bruce can do nothing but hold back as his Super Friends deal with the problem.

The only one that could be described as "good" is the Arkham-inspired warehouse beat-em-up, and yet the version in the trailer is better edited and the purpose - to save Superman's Mommy - takes a backseat to knifing perps, with the Dark Knight leaving KGBeast plenty of time to flame Diane Lane.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.