8 Reasons Why DC Fanboys Are Jealous Of The MCU

6. Marvel Movies Explore The World

One of the key points that's come to define the differing approaches of DC and Marvel is how they view the world. DC's heroes protect fictional cities like the scuzzy Gotham, the gleaming Metropolis and Central City (which isn't anywhere near as well defined or iconic), whilst Marvel prides itself on having a 'heroes amongst us' policy that sees its characters defending real cities, particularly New York. True there are fictional cities and countries in the MCU such as Sokovia and Black Panther's Wakanda, but for the most part the MCU gives us the thrill of seeing places we know and love, allowing different stories to be told across the world. With DC's characters confined to their own world, Warner is forced to not only build believable characters but also to create living breathing cities that function as more than just a backdrop to the action, and actually help inform and define the heroes' actions. These cities could provide great character depth, particularly for Batman, but the concept could also fall completely flat if not properly fleshed out, something Marvel need not worry about until Black Panther.

Stereotypically awkward writer, gamer and general nerd. Dislikes writing in the third person, likes tea as much as the next man but not as much as a typical blogger and has breath as fresh as a summer ham.