8 Reasons Why Indiana Jones 5 Is (Probably) A Brilliant Idea

6. Spielberg Is On A Roll

Steven Spielberg's filmography is so undeniably awesome, with over half-a-dozen undisputed classics to name and a whole host of stellar pictures besides (have you seen Duel? You should watch Duel) that it's easy to be a bit passé about his new films; even if they're out-and-out masterpieces, they're unlikely to crack his top ten. But don't let that make you think he's not on a roll right now.

Just look at his two most recent movies, Lincoln and Bridge Of Spies; standout films by all accounts that went on to earn a ridonkulous number of Oscar nominations (six and twelve respectively) and even bag a couple (including an Acting gong for both). This is a filmmaker who, like Scorsese or Scott, is still very much at the top of his game. Yes, he had a slump with Indy 4, leading to TinTin (good) and War Horse (less good), but he's come back from that with a pair of thrilling, popular, impactful dramas. Why can't he come back to Indiana Jones and give it another go?

Everything on show in Lincoln and Spies suggest his ability to enhance any material in a unique way, crafting tension like nobody else, is still there in abundance. There really isn't a better man for the job (assuming he's learnt from the mistakes of Crystal Skull).


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.