8 Reasons You Should Be Concerned About Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

3. There's Some Heavy Lost World Inspiration

Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom

As mentioned, the first Jurassic World film benefitted heavily from entrenching itself in nostalgia for Spielberg's original Jurassic Park. The plot frequently followed it's narrative beat-for-beat and paid service to it at every possible juncture, going so far as to having an entire meta subplot about modern kids rediscovering the original Park.

Maybe due to the success of this approach the first time around, or maybe just out of blind faith, Bayona and Trevorrow look to be heavily basing Fallen Kingdom in nostalgia for the second Jurassic Park film, The Lost World.

Plot-wise, Fallen Kingdom features a rescue mission to save the dinosaurs, which is being nefariously funded by an evil businessman who is instead looking to bring the dinos back to the mainland to profit off of them. Our heroes are fooled, attempting to do the right thing, but ultimately playing directly into the hands of said nefarious businessman. If that all sounds familiar, it is because that is also the synopsis of The Lost World's plot.

But here's the thing: The Lost World is not a film that incites nostalgia.

The Lost World was successful upon release, but completely off-the-back of the first film's successes. It certainly has its fans but is overall viewed as a vastly disappointing sequel that doesn't hold a candle to that first film. The film looks to be attempting to mine the same nostalgia goldmine they did previously but there is no nostalgia to capitalize on.

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A film enthusiast and writer, who'll explain to you why Jingle All The Way is a classic any day of the week.