Scarface with Al Pacino is one of the most popular, iconic gangster films ever made. The violent rags to riches story has been embraced heavily by American culture. Some view Tony Montana as a workingman's hero, who took the American dream for all it was worth. Others see him as the bad guy who got what he deserved in the end. Yet, there are still a few of us, who watched the movie, weighed all the hype surrounding it and thought; "What a bunch of baloney." Fans of this movie are utterly dumbfounded when confronted by the argument that Scarface should not be taken seriously. Tell someone you love Scarface because it makes you laugh, not because it's necessarily good, and watch the eyes roll up into heads while tongues hit the floor like red carpets. Brian De Palma's gangster flick certainly contains a lot to be appreciated. Montana is an interesting protagonist, keeps things from getting boring, and the story captures well the seedy side of Miami in the 60s (while still somehow managing to seem set in the 80s). Yes, no one can argue the movie isn't enjoyable; it's just Scarface is completely ridiculous. Every character is so one-track-minded they could be cartoons; ultra violent Tom and Jerry's running around killing each other in horrible ways. The story is heavy-handed and melodramatic as if the filmmakers sat around constantly asking, "What would make this even more over-the-top?" Although most would disagree, saying Scarface is awesome and in no way is it overhyped or silly is not a commonly-held view, therefore here are eight reasons that say otherwise...
aka The Thompsonator. Action movie & shooter game fanatic. Biggest weakness? Taking things over the top... The internet is the disease. Meet the cure. Find more action on my Youtube channel: