8 Reasons You've Been Wrong About Scarface Your Whole Life

3. Because Brian De Palma Is The Most Overrated Director Ever

If you're into movies and over twenty-five than you've probably went through a stage at one point in time where Quentin Tarantino was the God of your cinema. Maybe he still is for diehard fans. The man is definitely the quintessential movie geek, having seen every obscure flick from the Silent Era to Softcore, but time and again whenever asked his greatest inspiration he quickly exclaims one name repeatedly, "Brian De Palma." Being a huge Quentin fan you may have then proceeded to watch his two favourite De Palma flicks; Blow Out and Casualties of War, only to be casually blown away, by how much they both suck. For some undeterminable reason De Palma is always listed among filmmaking greats, a position protected by a thousand knife wielding film snobs wherever you go. It's not he isn't a good director, but he is vastly overrated. Almost all of his movies are stuffed with gagging melodrama and creepy - typically violent - portrayals of women, two things usually hated. The aforementioned films feature enough of both, but so do his other greatly-revered films. For example in Carrie, the pig blood scene goes on forever before the bucket tips. How about the opening? Smooth, slow music shot in a high school locker room, with fully naked teenage girls running around, stopping as one begins bleeding in the shower...wait a second. Even considering the source material there is no way this is in good taste. Scarface, his most popular film, is the exact same way. It's by no means a bad film, being enjoyable to watch, but like most of De Palma's arsenal very overrated.

aka The Thompsonator. Action movie & shooter game fanatic. Biggest weakness? Taking things over the top... The internet is the disease. Meet the cure. Find more action on my Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/ActionRation