8 Recent Movies That Grossly Over-Estimated What Their CGI Could Do
5. Star Wars Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi (Blu-Ray Edition)
OK, so A New Hope has the reinserted Jabba scene which is pretty bad, but at least that was adding something new to the films. The Star Wars Special Editions did a lot of good. They may be eternally lambasted by fans, but as well as the big childhood-ruining changes theres an awful lot of useful tinkering, with many mistakes in the sevnties visual effects corrected. The 2006 re-release of the untampered films highlights this, showing how shoddy the films actually look without a digital clean up. But alongside these brush ups, there was a CGI overhaul of some scenes. Intended to improve the puppets, its proven to be a temporary solution, with those replacement effects now as dated as what they replaced. This is most prominent in Return Of The Jedi, where the Jabbas Palace band sequence was reimagined. The impact on the film is negligible (the scene is silly no matter what version you watch) but that doesnt avoid that the computer-generated singers (and their incredibly detailed throats) appear to be straight out of the Clone Wars TV series. And even though the Blu-Ray added some more emotive and digital changes, these still remain unchecked, suggest Lucas still views them as 'OK'