8 Recent Movies That Grossly Over-Estimated What Their CGI Could Do

5. Star Wars Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi (Blu-Ray Edition)

OK, so A New Hope has the reinserted Jabba scene which is pretty bad, but at least that was adding something new to the films. The Star Wars Special Editions did a lot of good. They may be eternally lambasted by fans, but as well as the big €˜childhood-ruining€™ changes there€™s an awful lot of useful tinkering, with many mistakes in the sevnties visual effects corrected. The 2006 re-release of the untampered films highlights this, showing how shoddy the films actually look without a digital clean up. But alongside these brush ups, there was a CGI overhaul of some scenes. Intended to improve the puppets, it€™s proven to be a temporary solution, with those replacement effects now as dated as what they replaced. This is most prominent in Return Of The Jedi, where the Jabba€™s Palace band sequence was reimagined. The impact on the film is negligible (the scene is silly no matter what version you watch) but that doesn€™t avoid that the computer-generated singers (and their incredibly detailed throats) appear to be straight out of the Clone Wars TV series. And even though the Blu-Ray added some more emotive and digital changes, these still remain unchecked, suggest Lucas still views them as 'OK'

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.