8 Recent Movies That Grossly Over-Estimated What Their CGI Could Do

4. Avatar

Avatar is remarkable in many aspects (and not just that $2.7 billion box office). It€™s set in a mostly CGI world that is meant to look real, and (unlike some more recent examples) pulls it off. This is primarily thanks to the Navi. Initially ridiculed for just being big cats, they€™ve clearly been designed to bridge the computer world and the live-action interiors, bolstered by incredibly accurate motion capture they feel at home in every location. Watching the film it€™s clear a lot of time has gone into many sections to ensure the animation and rendering are up to scratch. Although it is only sections and not the entire film. Focusing so heavily on the aliens means that some of the human tech hasn€™t been properly integrated. It€™s evident in pretty much every appearance from the mech suit, but doesn€™t become a problem until the finale. You see, the CGI world in Avatar is great because the cross-over it has with the live action elements is limited, so the usual contrast between it and filmed elements is less prominent. Thanks to thirty-five years of Star Wars cockpit shots, elements on two separate planes are covered, but when the Quaritch starts rampaging through the Avatar lab at the film€™s climax it€™s direct contact, which as you can see above didn€™t work out too well. Still, it is worth reminding ourselves it€™s impressive this is as far as Avatar could successfully push the envelope.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.