8 Recent Movies That Grossly Over-Estimated What Their CGI Could Do
2. X-Men Origins: Wolverine
This isnt really the effects as a whole (although the film does make many similar mistakes to other films), but a very particular example. In the fourth X-Men film (and the first not in the main chronology) Wolverines claws suddenly became unbelievably fake. Effects that had been convincing to the point you didnt even consider their presence in the previous films suddenly seemed to have taken a massive jump back. It never once looks like the adamantium is coming out of Wolverines knuckles, with the claws are just floating on his fists. If I didnt know the claws in the above image were like that in the film Id swear that was a still that had been doctored as a joke. A big issue with them here appears to be lighting. Most notable in the daytime scenes where theres only one light source from a consistent angle, but noticeable in most instances, the claws look theyve been done in an amateur photoshop rush job; quick, make them silver and itll all be OK. And rush job just about sums up Wolverine.