8 Recent Movies That Grossly Over-Estimated What Their CGI Could Do

1. Green Lantern

A key factor of superheroes only recently gaining a sense of legitimacy in cinema is the costumes. Often tight-fitting deals that look silly (or can easily be turned that way with the addition of bat nipples), it takes a strong double act of fashion designer and cinematographer to make sure any adaptation doesn€™t look corny on the big screen. Green Lantern made a bold decision to do away with spandex all together, having Hal Jordan€™s costume in the film be entirely computer-generated. A bold, forward-thinking move from DC that could have marked a key visual effects milestone. Nope, it looked awful. The driving force behind this decision seems to be that as there€™s plenty of CGI generated Green Lanterns in the movie, it€™s easier to bring Ryan Reynolds over the their style. It€™s surprisingly sound logic, but only goes to highlight how big an over-estimation this was. Reynold€™s head floats on his body reminiscent of Wolverine's claws and the suit€™s always-on glowing function means you never forget how it fake it is all the time it€™s on screen. But don't let that make you think it's an all-out bad effect. The film's visuals aren't astounding, they're just decidedly average. And you can't be middle of the pack when you're trying to be ground-breaking. Which big budget movies do you think reached too far? And which ones had the film ruin it for you? Let us know in the comments.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.