8 Recent Movies Most Obviously Ruined By Bad Editing

4. X-Men: Apocalypse Blanched Jean Grey

Suicide Squad Harley Quinn Joker
20th Century Fox

Rather excitingly for this list, the problems with X-Men: Apocalypse are less to do with late-in-the-day decisions, but intrinsic problems with the pitch; it was stuck a decade in the past, thinking we’re still in an era when The Last Stand can get an almost-fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

But that doesn’t mean it wasn’t immune to editing hiccups, with a rushed and simple plot made even more complicated thanks to a complete dearth of respite to the mind-numbing momentum. Even though it comes it at 144 minutes, there's plenty of gaps (as well as promoted scenes nowhere to be seen).

Worst Moment: Jean Grey’s arc.

I was very tempted to say Wolverine’s extended cameo here, which comes out of nowhere and has next-to-no bearing on the plot, although that’s more a product of sloppy screenwriting.

The part of the movie the editing most lets down is Jean Grey. Now Sophie Turner’s performance isn’t great (and there may have been a desire to minimise its impact), but her essential role was clearly reduced, with only limited introduction of her dark dreams very early on before the desperate playing of the Phoenix card at the end. Arc? Ha!

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Suicide Squad
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.