8 Recent Movies Most Obviously Ruined By Bad Editing

3. Independence Day: Resurgence Was Too Desperate To Get A Sequel

Suicide Squad Harley Quinn Joker
20th Century Fox

Independence Day: Resurgence isn’t just badly edited, it’s inexplicably so. This is a movie where every single member of the audience is there for bombastic, city-destruction, and yet at every conceivable moment it finds a reason to not show it. Heck, at the end when the humans destroy the queen’s command ship, the film cuts away from the growing explosion to Jeff Goldblum’s face before cutting back to the aftermath. Goldblum’s great and all, but getting up close with is pours is not the movie’s MVP.

Somehow worse, its plot is also scrappily presented, with scenes trimmed down to their absolute bare minimum, making it feel like a rip-off too lazy to even steal everything.

Worst Moment: The sphere.

Before Resurgence hit, various creative talked about how the film sneakily sets up a sequel, which is a little off the mark; the establishing of a galactic-wide conflict is so suddenly heavy and on-the-nose in the film’s cliffhanger it almost feels like a personal victory that it won’t happen

Now I’m guessing more than in other entries here, but this seems to be a result of most of the subplot being reduced. It would likely have worked a lot more effectively is Emmerich (or likely the studio) hadn’t removed all the explanation scenes in favour of extreme face close-ups.

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Suicide Squad
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.