8 Ridiculous Castings For Upcoming Movies That Prove Hollywood Has Gone Insane

4. Gerard Butler - Bodhi - Point Break

Granted, this casting decision hasn't been officially confirmed, but we feel as though we can include it given that Gerard Butler has apparently entered "final negotiations" to play the role of Bodhi in the upcoming - and entirely unnecessary - remake of Kathryn Bigelow's Point Break. The original flick, which is considered something of a cult classic, had Keanu Reeves bumbling around as FBI agent Johnny Utah, investigating a group of surfers who he suspected to be bank robbers, led by a charismatic Patrick Swayze. And it's Swayze's role Butler is now considering. The reaction to this casting thus far has proven mostly negative, given that pretty much every movie with Gerard Butler in it post-300 has been a total drag. We're all for remakes going in new directions, but Butler as Bodhi feels like it's missing the point - he's far too grizzled and bland a choice. The first Point Break isn't a super great film as it is, anyway, and kind of got by on a sort of accidental irony factor and because everyone liked talking about the hidden homosexual tendencies between the main characters. Is this all because Butler surfed in Chasing Mavericks?

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.