8 Ridiculous Castings For Upcoming Movies That Prove Hollywood Has Gone Insane

1. Ben Affleck - Bruce Wayne - Batman Vs. Superman

Come around to the idea of Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne yet? Not even a little bit? Are you sure? Chances are if you're still peeved - and the chances that you are still peeved are probably rather high, we'd imagine - that you're also sort of less annoyed about this casting decision than you were last year when it was first announced. Maybe you've had time to think about what Ben Affleck could bring to the role of Batman instead of what he might take away from it - and even more so now that you know he's going to be facing off against Jesse Eisenberg's Lex Luthor. So, of course, a list like this wouldn't be complete without mentioning Affleck's role in this whole "Hollywood have gone insane with their latest casting decisions" thing, would it? And this was arguably the one that set the rest of these off the wall choices in motion - though there are certainly a lot of opinions to be had regarding whether or not the director of Argo (but the star of Gigli) will make an ideal Bruce Wayne, there's no doubting that Hollywood were pretty much insane to have gone ahead with this guy as their choice for a Batman reboot. They must have known how it was going to be received by the public, after all, and yet they did it anyway. And if that's not proof that Hollywood has gone mad, what is? Like this article? Let us know in the comments section below.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.