8 Scenes We Definitely Won't See in Deadpool 2

2. Deadpool Joins A Cult Who Wish To Turn People Blue

Deadpool Shiklah Bath

Although Cable & Deadpool was a great series that lasted 50 issues, it had an odd start. Now, it wasn't all bad per se - it was just... odd.

Deadpool learned that there was a cult that wanted to turn everyone's skin blue to eradicate racism, so tried to help them in order to get rid of his grotesque physical appearance. When Cable tried to talk Deadpool out of it, he said, “Hey, if you looked like Ryan Renolds crossed with a shar-pei, you’d understand!”

Two things. Firstly, the misspelling of Reynolds came from the comics - not sure why. Secondly, you would assume this is a reference to Ryan Reynolds playing Deadpool in the 2016 movie, but this issue was in 2004. Reynolds wasn’t even cast as Deadpool until 2008 when he played the character in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. So… this is a bit weird.

There are many inventive ways for Cable and Deadpool to meet in this film, but getting involved in a cult where the members resemble the Blue Man Group might be a misstep.

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