8 Scenes We Definitely Won't See in Deadpool 2

1. Deadpool Literally Kills Everybody

Deadpool Shiklah Bath
Marvel Comics

In the 2012 story, Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe, Wade... literally does that. He kills every superhero and supervillain he can find: Thor, Hulk... The X-Men. But it doesn't stop there - to stop the creators of Marvel from bringing these characters back to life, Deadpool breaks out of the comic book and kills the writers.

This was a great comic and it sold so well, the writers (who came back to life) did it once more with Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe Again.

Obviously, we can't have Deadpool hacking up Domino, Colossus, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, and Cable. 20th Century Fox have merchandise to sell so they need to milk that money cow dry. And he's not going to be killing any of the MCU either.

Maybe don't rule out him killing a writer though. Hell, if they have a scene where Wade kills the guy who turned Deadpool into Baraka in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, this film might be Oscar-nominated.

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