8 Sci-Fi Movies That Re-Used Props From Other Movies

5. The Matrix - Sets From Dark City

Ghostbusters They Live PKE Meter
Warner Bros/New Line Cinema

For years now, Alex Proyas' sci-fi neo-noir Dark City has been lamented as having been overshadowed by the release of The Matrix. The two films both explore themes of identity and simulated realities, and feature characters who possess the ability to bend reality around them to their will, but The Matrix, with its significantly higher budget and increased mainstream appeal, left Dark City in the dust. Many have even gone to say that The Matrix directly plagiarises Dark City in almost every way, but this is up for debate as The Matrix was written by The Wachowskis long before Dark City was released.

However what we do know is that The Matrix recycles a lot of props and sets from Dark City, which were bought by Warner Bros. near the end of the film's production. Many exterior sets are shared throughout the films, but the one that stands out is undoubtedly the rooftops from The Matrix's opening chase. The scene in question is one of The Matrix's most iconic, but interestingly Dark City also used these very rooftops for a gripping, high-octane nighttime chase between its protagonist and his powerful, reality-warping adversaries. Make of that what you will.


Neo-noir enjoyer, lover of the 1990s Lucasarts adventure games and detractor of just about everything else. An insufferable, over-opinionated pillock.