8 Scientific Theories That Totally Change Zombie Films
1. We Could Use Them To Our Advantage
Okay, so perhaps we've decided that zombie genocide isn't really our style, we could always make the best of a bad situation.
In a post-zombie apocalypse world, there's a high chance that we'll need to figure out new ways to generate energy. Luckily, some bright spark has already thought of that, and devised a post-apocalypse safe house that also doubles as a zombie-powered vertical farm.
The undead are lured into a turbine beneath the structure, where their incessant shambling motion can be converted into electricity and provide water pressure, much like a horse mill from the olden times.
The tower itself is designed to be self-sufficient, with layers for farming and living on the upper floors, away from the groaning hordes.
Plus, as humans cycle through birth, death and eventually turning into a zombie, they generate a truly renewable source of energy - it's win win.
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