8 Scrapped Horror Monsters That Would’ve Been TERRIFYING

3. Untitled Dream Man Film - This Man

i am legend darkseeker design
Andrea Natella

A few years ago we all got caught in a hoax. Anyone who tells you that they saw right through it from the beginning is either lying or cynical to a fault. We all fell for a viral story about a man - a man who seemingly everyone had seen in their dreams at some point in their lives.

It’s widely agreed that he looks like Andrew Lloyd Webber’s weird, basement-dwelling cousin and yet somehow the collective insanity convinced thousands of people that they really did know this bloke, and that he had been frolicking about in their subconscious for years.

He does, in fairness, look creepy. He is unnerving, uncanny: his face is slightly too flat, his eyes a bit too big. And so when it was revealed that the hoax was done as part of a guerrilla marketing campaign for a new movie from Bryan Bertino (known mainly for The Strangers), it sort of made sense.

It’s a shame that all these years have passed and we’ve never really heard anything more about this. The whole campaign drummed up so much intrigue, so much fear at the idea of one troglodyte-looking man was somehow commanding our dreams, that it could’ve made for a really unnerving horror.

I think it’s safe to say by now that this idea has been long scrapped, but we can still dream of seeing its fruition one day…


WhatCulture's shortest contributor (probably). Lover of cats, baked goods and Netflix Originals.