8 Shocking Differences Between Leaked Deadpool Screenplay And Movie

1. Doctor Killebrew Is The Real Big Bad

Whereas the movie made it quite clear that Deadpool's scars can never be cured by Ajax (or anyone else for that matter), the screenplay left the door open to that being a continuing plot thread in the franchise. When the Merc with the Mouth threatens the villain, he reveals that the only man capable of fixing Wade is Doctor Killebrew, the one who is really responsible for the facility which turned the mercenary into a "superhero." The Recruiter as he's known actually survives in the screenplay, and meets with Killebrew right at the end of the movie. It's then revealed that he was the doctor who earlier made a very brief in the workshop to comfort Wade when he first arrived, and so this was clearly all included as a way of setting up a sequel featuring Deadpool tracking down his true creator. Comic book fans will of course know that Killebrew is the head of the facility that housed Weapon X's failed experiments and was responsible for turning Wade into Deadpool, so the movie would have closely followed the source material in that respect. This particular plot thread was likely dropped when the decision was made to include Cable in the follow-up, and while I think it's fair to say that we'd all rather see him on the big screen over Killebrew, it's still pretty interesting to think about just how different this movie, and the franchise as a whole, might have been had they decided to stick to their guns by using the doctor as a mysterious big bad...
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Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.