8 Short Deleted Scenes That Almost Ruined Great Movies

7. Deckard And Rachael Have Sex - Blade Runner

Blade Runner Rachael Deckard
Warner Bros.

The Deleted Scene: Most of the Blade Runner's well known "deleted" scenes have actually wound in in one of the ten dozen available edits of the film (the unicorn dream, the happy ever after ending and the like). This one, however, hasn't appeared in any version (and for good reason). After the moment where potential-replicant Deckard forces definite-replicant Rachael to kiss him, things take a more racy turn, with a pretty explicit sex scene that runs just long enough to ensure you'd never want to watch the film with your parents.

Why It's So Bad: Deckard forcing himself on Rachael is a surprisingly pivotal scene in the movie, making the audience question whether Rick really is the Indy-style hero Ford's casting indicates. Their sex is implied, sure, but actually showing it puts more focus on the act itself than what it signifies; the steaminess of it all distracts from the fact you're witnessing a rape.

It doesn't even work stylistically; shot with a very eighties approach to eroticism, it just feels out of place in a film that (aside from the fact it's now set only four years in the future) is timeless.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.