8 Short Deleted Scenes That Almost Ruined Great Movies

3. The Cocoons - Alien

Aliens Cocooned Deleted Scene
20th Century Fox

The Deleted Scene: Alien went to great lengths to explain the xenomorph's life cycle; eggs contain facehuggers, which attack humans, implanting a foetus that bursts out at most inopportune time. In the sequels it's revealed the eggs came from a queen, but the first film originally had an alternate explanation;while escaping the Nostromo, Ripley came across Dallas and Brett cocooned in the alien's lair, in the process of being transformed into more eggs.

Why It's So Bad: Reading interviews with Ridley Scott and other key players in the production, it's obvious they didn't really have a clear idea for what the next step in the xenomorph's life cycle would be. They knew they'd be some form of transforming humans into eggs, but compared to the explicitly detailed oral rape of the facehugger that's pretty vague. As a result, this scene is little more than a "this looks cool" moment, a blatant excuse to shoehorn in some more of H.R. Geiger's designs.

The scene was included in Scott's Director's Cut, which only proves it doesn't work; the moment comes completely out of nowhere, halting the escalating tension of the movie's climax.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.