8 Short Deleted Scenes That Almost Ruined Great Movies

4. Luke And Biggs In Anchorhead - Star Wars

EP4 luke biggs

The Deleted Scene: One of the most notorious deleted scenes from the original Star Wars trilogy, there's an entire sequence dealing with Luke before he meets the droids. Witnessing the opening space battle from the planet's surface, he heads to Anchorhead (home of the infamous Tosche Station) to tell his friends. They don't believe him, but he does get to reunite with childhood friend Biggs, who is seen later in the movie before being swiftly killed in the the final battle.

Why It's So Bad:The first cut of Star Wars was reportedly flat-out terrible, and it's no doubt inclusions like this that contributed to that.

The content of the scene itself isn't intrinsically bad - it shows what Luke's life on Tatooine was like outside of watching sunsets while moping and invests time in Biggs, a character whose death is rather lacking in impact in the finished film- but where it would have been placed is. There's three parts to the Anchorhead sequence that would have been intercut between the explosive Empire/Rebel opening, making it unclear what the movie's trying to be; is it an expansive space epic or George Lucas remaking American Graffiti in the desert?


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.