8 Signs Not Even The Filmmakers Have Faith In Batman V Superman

8. Ben Affleck Is Covering All His Bases

By far the most controversial elements of Batman V Superman is the casting of Ben Affleck as Batman. Although much of the vitriol that surrounded the initial announcement of his appointment has toned down in recent months, the strong reaction to Batfleck will look large over Dawn Of Justice. Oddly enough, Affleck's Bruce Wayne is one of the areas in the film we're actually more confident about, with him having shown in recent years that he has the acting chops to play both the party-loving billionairre and his rougher alter ego. And while Affleck no doubt has faith in his abilities, from interviews there's a distinct feeling that he's not as confident about the film as a whole. Contractual limitations probably mean what can be said is kept to a minimum, but we're still getting a sense of his true feelings. On the Today show a few weeks ago when publicising Gone Girl he showed a glimmer of preparing for a post-release backlash, entertaining the idea of disappointment, "in the end, you make the movie and it either works or it doesn€™t." It's slight, but with the film eighteen months away we wouldn't be expecting wobbles unless something was seriously up.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.