8 Simple Fixes To Improve Star Wars: The Last Jedi

8. Recut Luke's "Lightsaber Toss"

Star Wars The Last Jedi Trailer Luke Skywalker

Bear in mind this needs to be a simple fix i.e. we can't remove Luke tossing the saber as it's an intentional metaphorical action that solidifies his attitude towards the Jedi order, and the beginning of his arc in the film.

We CAN cut around it, though. There's already footage of Luke holding the lightsaber, Rey looking inquisitive and then confused - we just need a reshuffle and one new image.

My fix: Keep the slow shot of Luke holding the lightsaber with the slow zoom, and the expression of contemplation on his face. You then cut to the reaction shot of Rey looking confused from after the throw in the movie, as in my version, go from that expression, into a new close-up of the ground, where Luke's lightsaber hits centre frame. Go back to the wide shot of Luke walking away past Rey, and we're done.

The audience thinks, "Did he just...?!", Rey is perplexed, Luke retains the seismic power of discarding his lightsaber, and the confirmation of where the weapon ended up still comes later on.

All of this, in a way that doesn't feel like a Saturday Night Live sketch.

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