1. More Easter Eggs And Other Side Characters! Yeah!
Marvel's unique after-the-credit teasers were an amazing approach to set up their universe, but David Goyer and Zack Snyder decided on an even more subtle approach. In case you missed it, Man of Steel is loaded with eater eggs and allusions. Pictured above is just one of the many Lex Luthor easter eggs. There is also a Green Lantern tease (Carol Ferris, his girlfriend, is the officer that says Superman is "hot" at the end), a Batman easter egg (a Wayne Corp satellite gets smashed, and is actually pictured falling to earth in the above picture, too) and there's even a Booster Gold easter egg. Here's hoping that we get even more in this movie. Imagine what we might get to see alluded to in the Bat-Cave? Maybe a file on the Yellow Inferiority of the Green Lanterns' rings? Maybe even a little study on how Martians hate fire? Or perhaps an oceanographical study revealing Atlantis? And who knows? Perhaps some side characters alluded to in Man of Steel, like Supergirl. After all, we did see that empty sarcophagus in the Fortress of Solitude in Man of Steel. Maybe; maybe not. Whatever may be, here's hoping that this movie is worth the hype it's already generated!
An Ithaca College graduate and freelance writer, Andrew reads way too many comics and manga, watches way too many cartoons and movies, and is, overall, a funny, likable kind of guy.