8 Star Wars Moments You Never Got To See (But Are Canon)

6. Yoda's Alliance With The Wookies - The Clone Wars

Darth Maul Son of Dathomir Count Dooku
Lucasfilm / Dave Filoni

Although his judgement was clouded during the prequels, Yoda was still the first voice on the Jedi Council to realise the Order was losing its way as it entered The Clone Wars. He may not have understood the bigger picture, but for all intents and purposes, Yoda was aware of how the Jedi were being manipulated and, even with something sinister going on behind the scenes, how important it was for them to not lose themselves in the fog of war.

Yoda played a pivotal role throughout The Clone Wars, but especially in the latter stages of the conflict. He is stationed on Kashyyyk when Palpatine commands the clones to carry out Order 66, but volunteers for the mission because of his "good relations" with the wookiees. Tarfful and Chewbacca are clearly fond of the Jedi, and they risk everything to get him off-world safely as the Imperial occupation commences.

As it turns out, The Clone Wars animated series was set to reveal more about Yoda's history with the wookiees only for it to be cancelled shortly before. The Clone Wars returned in 2020 of course, allowing series co-creator Dave Filoni and Lucasfilm to finish the story on their terms, but while three of the 'lost' Clone Wars episodes were completed, several were not.

Among these was a follow up to the initial Bad Batch arc that would've seen Yoda and the Bad Batch travel to Kashyyyk to fend off a Trandoshan invasion. The events that take place in the arc are still considered canon, and there may even be a chance it could be finished when The Bad Batch animated series releases later in 2021.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.