8 Star Wars Moments You Never Got To See (But Are Canon)

5. The Crystal Crisis On Utapau - The Clone Wars

Darth Maul Son of Dathomir Count Dooku

The Crystal Crisis on Utapau was another lost arc from The Clone Wars' original cancelled seventh season, and another that is still classified as canon by Lucasfilm Story Group. As Pablo Hidalgo explained when The Clone Wars Legacy project was revealed in 2014:

"Even though those Clone Wars episodes did not get publicly revealed, we still look at those core stories as having happened."

While the status of some of these lost episodes is debated (the Yuuzhan Vong are still waiting on their canon debut after their own Clone Wars episode never materialised), arcs like the Rex and R2 one and Crisis on Utapau fit into continuity fairly seamlessly. The latter would've taken Obi-Wan and Anakin to the planet where General Grievous would eventually make his final stand in Episode III, only this time the focus would've been on the Death Star.

Star Wars Rebels expanded upon the Geonosian role in the Death Star's creation first teased in Attack of the Clones, but The Clone Wars was poised to explore the origins of the Imperial super-weapon years earlier, whilst also exploring how Anakin was dealing after Ahsoka left the order.

Kenobi and Skywalker travel to Utapau to investigate the mysterious death of a Jedi. In doing so they discover a conspiracy involving a giant kyber crystal, which they eventually destroy. Yoda reveals to the pair at the end that there were tales of the Sith using kyber crystals to create immense super-weapons - an ominous nod towards the eventual creation of the Death Star.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.