8 Star Wars Mysteries You Didn't Know Were Answered

6. What Was That Business On Cato Neimodia? - Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge Of The Sith

Star Wars Mysteries

There's a point there right after Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker successfully bring the Chancellor back to Coruscant in Episode III - Revenge of the Sith where the two Jedi Generals talk about all the times the latter had saved the former's skin.

While Skywalker noted that his saving of Kenobi during that movie-opening mission was the "tenth" time he'd done such a thing, Obi-Wan was quick to state it was only the "ninth", claiming "that business on Cato Neimoidia doesn't, doesn't count."

For years the average Star Wars lover wasn't really aware of what said business actually consisted of, but the information is actually out there to discover in both the Legends Labyrinth of Evil and Canon Brotherhood books.

In that former 2005 novel, it's explained that after accidentally cracking open a nearby canister with deflected blaster fire during a fight with droids during the Siege of Cato Neimoidia, Obi-Wan ended up breathing in some toxic spores. This left him in a somewhat intoxicated state for a spell, though that still couldn't stop him slicing through Separatist forces.

Still, there's a chance a slightly out of sorts Kenobi could have eventually been killed in action had it not been for Anakin giving him back the rebreather he'd briefly lost. 

The 2022 Brotherhood tale contains its own version of the "business", with that Canon book explaining that Kenobi's investigation into a bombing on Cato Neimoidia eventually led to him being framed by Asajj Ventress and put on trial. A Skywalker disobeying orders soon turned up on the planet to save his Master, but in doing so he got in the way of Kenobi's own escape plan - hence why Obi-Wan felt it didn't count and Anakin thought it did.

Either way... it still counts.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...