8 Star Wars Prequel Moments George Lucas Planned Way Back In 1977

1. Midi-Chlorians Allow Jedi To Use The Force

"It is said that certain creatures are born with a higher awareness of the Force than humans. Their brains are different; they have more midi-chlorians in their cells." - George Lucas

What is the most derided element of Episode I, and by extension the whole prequel trilogy? No, not Jar Jar - the Gungan's pretty easy to ignore in the grand scheme of things. Midi-chlorians, on the other hand, have far reaching implications for the very fabric of the galaxy.

Mentioned in only two scenes of The Phantom Menace (then in passing during what should have been a pivotal scene in Revenge of the Sith), their delivery feels like something shoehorned into the final draft of the script, having little impact on the story. Predictably, many die-hard fans found it emblematic of the Prequels' tendency to demystify the the secrets of the galaxy.

But, as you can see in that 1977 quote, midi-chlorians have their roots much further back in the franchise's history, predating the much more accepted Sith rule of two and 'Chosen One' prophecy by over twenty years.

Hearing it explained matter-of-factly by the younger George, they suddenly make a lot more sense. Midi-chlorians aren't an attempt to rationally explain the Force and demystify the magic; they're a simple explanation as to why some people can use the Force and others can't.

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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.