8 Startling Early Versions Of Your Favourite Pixar Films

1. A Direct To Video 2D Cell Animation Outing For The Gang - Toy Story 2


People who moan that Pixar has only recently moved into the sequel business are more than a little off. Less than a month after Toy Story hit the cogs were already moving in John Lasseter's head as to what could happen next to the plastic gang.

At the time Disney was going through a bit of a reshuffle - Jeffrey Katzenberg had just been let go - and where exactly this new film could go was uncertain; would it use the new computer generated style of Pixar or switch to Disney'€™s safer hand drawn animation? What was definite was how the film would be released; in the spirit of late-nineties Disney it€™d be direct-to-VHS.

Things weren't on track even after Pixar was chosen to animate and the subsequent quality of the imagery led to a theatrical release being granted. As well as requiring a good twenty minutes of additional story to make the film a suitable length, what was there didn't meet the high standards of Pixar. If the whole film€™'s crew hadn't worked constantly to get it ready in time for release (Disney refused to change the date), then even if the film would have been vaguely visually recognisable as Pixar it certainly wouldn't have been on a story and character level.

Any more early version of Pixar movies you know about? Wish we€™d got to see any of these? Let us know down in the comments.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.