8 Suicide Squad Members We Want To See In The Sequel

6. Captain Cold

Suicide Squad King Shark
The CW

Another character to have featured heavily on The CW, Leonard Snart is depicted as more of an anti-hero in The Flash and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow. But his comic book counterpart doesn’t have quite so many redeeming qualities.

A long-time Flash villain and current leader of the Rogues, Snart was only a member of Task Force X for a brief time, but if there’s any excuse to put the fan-favourite in a film then DC should go right ahead and do it.

Who Could Play Him?

No one plays over-the-top cheesy like Wentworth Miller, so you have to take the character in a different direction for the movies. Charlie Hunnam is almost at the point where he's starting to be taken seriously, and you don't see Sam Worthington in a lot of comedies.


Writer, serial binge-watcher, Mother of Dragons. Completed Netflix.