8 Suicide Squad Members We Want To See In The Sequel

4. Bronze Tiger

Suicide Squad King Shark
DC Comics

Bronze Tiger has appeared in just about every version of the Suicide Squad. Having trained under the League of Assassins, he was essentially kidnapped by Amanda Waller, brainwashed, and then recruited to Task Force X as its leader.

One of the greatest martial artists in all of DC, Bronze Tiger actually defeated Batman in hand-to-hand combat, but he’s not the first anti-hero on this list. He has also worked alongside the Dark Knight, as well as Green Arrow and Vixen.

Who Could Play Him?

Idris Elba is just about the perfect Bronze Tiger, but after Thor, it's hard to image Elba taking any comic book role other than the lead. This leaves us with The Wire's Michael Kenneth Williams as a credible replacement.


Writer, serial binge-watcher, Mother of Dragons. Completed Netflix.