8 Suicide Squad Members We Want To See In The Sequel

3. King Shark

Suicide Squad King Shark
The CW

Killer Croc filled the role of scary-looking animal man in the film, but Killer Croc is not a talking, regenerating shark.

There’s not much else we can say, other than that King Shark has featured in The Flash, where the budget for talking sharks is limited for some reason. We want to see what the DC Extended Universe can do with Nanaue.

Who Could Play Him?

Any insanely jacked actor would do the trick. There's not much subtlety where King Shark is concerned. Dave Bautista would be an option if he weren't already tied down to Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy.

Let's give it to Terry Crews, for no reason other than that thing he does where he makes his pecks dance.


Writer, serial binge-watcher, Mother of Dragons. Completed Netflix.