8 Suicide Squad Members We Want To See In The Sequel

2. Nightshade

Suicide Squad King Shark
DC Comics

Nightshade lasted the entirety of the Squad’s initial run, and she’s popped in and out ever since. Starting out as a government agent, Amanda Waller brought her aboard Task Force X to watch over Enchantress, played in the film by Cara Delevigne, which could be her way in to the movie universe.

Nightshade’s time in the Suicide Squad impacted her deep moral code. A run of questionable missions, and the fact that she has mysterious, dark magical powers, turned Nightshade into a character you wouldn’t want to cross.

Who Could Play Him?

Emmy Rossum deserves another shot at a comic book role after the god awful Dragon Ball: Evolution, and Lizzy Caplan is a name that's going to keep popping up in relation to comic book films.


Writer, serial binge-watcher, Mother of Dragons. Completed Netflix.