8 Superhero Movie Tropes That Need To Die

4. The Whole €˜We€™re Not So Different, You And I€™ Spiel From The Big Bad

As seen in: The Dark Knight Trilogy Now that Nolan€™s Batman series has done it to death with both the Joker and Two-Face riffing on the theme (and laying it on particularly thick about vigilantism generally), there€™s got to be a moratorium on this sort of thing. The Avengers just about got away with it, but that€™s only because Joss Whedon decided not to stick the actual words in Tony Stark and Loki€™s mouths (€œAnd Loki, he's a full-tilt diva, he wants flowers, he wants parades, he wants a monument built to the sky with his name plastered€ Son of a bitch€). See also: the whole thing about comparing the hero€™s mask and the metaphorical mask which we all wear day to day in various social situations, which is a conceit which would be thrown out of a high school production for being too derivative. When Austin Powers has already parodied this trope in three separate, decreasingly funny, films, you know it€™s time to put it to bed.

Holding midfielder; can get forward. Decent engine.