8 Superhero Movie Tropes That Need To Die

2. Everything Is Actually About The Nazis

As seen in: Captain America, Man Of Steel, V For Vendetta, The Avengers Aside from the obvious and the aforementioned (X-Men is about Nazism and racial purity, Captain America€™s HYDRA are super-Nazis), Zod€™s speeches nod toward Nazi ideology in Man Of Steel, V for Vendetta features about as obvious an ersatz Nazi state as it€™s possible to get, and Loki gets called out on his megalomaniacal pretensions by an old German bloke in The Avengers. You'd have thought that after little Magneto Jr. got separated from his parents in literally the first scene of X-Men that everyone else would just dodge the Nazism for a little while, the full horror of the Holocaust and its legacy being so comprehensively and affectingly dealt with in that film. Alas, it merely opened the floodgates. When you€™re trying to think of a supervillain, it€™s not really that imaginative to reach for Nazism. Even if it€™s just using an eagle or a red-and-black colour scheme as a signifier, it€™s been done to death and carries next to no weight now. It also kind of undermines the actual horror of the Nazis, part of which was the fact that most of the atrocities they committed were perpetrated or silently condoned by the millions of ordinary people who absorbed nationalist policies. The idea that all Nazis and everyone in Germany at the time are totally, unyieldingly evil suggests that it€™s not a problem we could face now, because, hey, they€™re all dead now, and we€™re not evil, are we? Nah, we shop at Oxfam sometimes and bought the last Band Aid single even though it was rubbish. It definitely couldn€™t happen here.

Holding midfielder; can get forward. Decent engine.