8 Surprising Movie Villain Turns You Never Saw Coming

4. Mordo - Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange Mordo
Marvel Studios

For the majority of Doctor Strange, it looks as though Chiwetel Ejiofor's Mordo is going to be yet another great MCU sidekick, the titular hero's version of War Machine or Falcon. Interestingly though, throughout the movie - despite always being on the side of good - the two characters clash quite a bit over sorcerers interfering with the laws of human nature.

The film ends with Mordo going his own way, disillusioned by the same magical practices he'd dedicated his life to. Even then though, there's no suggestion that there's any real bad blood between him and Strange, as they're ostensibly both good guys.

Or are they?

Tucked away in the post-credit scene is actually the revelation that Mordo has broken bad, declaring that "Earth has too many sorcerers", with the filmmakers essentially setting him up as the villain for Doctor Strange 2. It comes out of nowhere, and leaves you a bit confused, but it sure it surprising.

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