8 Talented Actors Who Just Made Five Awful Movies In A Row

2. Jennifer Connelly


The Five Awful Movies: Creation, Virginia, The Dilemma, Salvation Boulevard, Stuck In Love Jennifer Connelly was the actress that I used to lie awake at night thinking about when I was, like, seven, because I had a major crush on her, given that my favourite movie in the world back then was Labyrinth. That movie, perfect as it is (yes, perfect), obviously doesn't showcase the actress as her best. I don't think many would disagree that she's an incredibly talented actress based on her performances in Requiem For A Dream, A Beautiful Mind and House of Sand and Fog. It's a darn shame, then, that Connelly is no longer apparent in my nighttime thoughts, and that's because her recent ventures have been all pretty weak, to be honest. I don't know what she was thinking when she agreed to star in a movie as clumsy and badly written as The Dilemma, especially since that warning sign on an actor Kevin James had also signed on. Recently she was in Stuck In Love with Greg Kinnear, and that was okay-ish, but ultimately it wasn't very good. Let's hope Darren Aronofsky can redeem you with Noah, Jen. Please. Please.
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All-round pop culture obsessive.